PLEASE CLICK HERE or alternatively:
Phone: 09 444 8493, press 0 to leave a message
Email: absent@target.school.nz
Text: 021 0840 8820
HERO App: Select "Report An Absence" on your Hero app main page
(Please remember to include your name, child's name, room number and reason for absence)
Before & After School Care
A Plus is located on the school grounds. It is managed by a Leanie Thomsett, whose two children went to Target Road School.
Hours: 7am to 8:30am - Monday to Friday
Morning Care Price: $10.00
Hours: 3pm to 6pm - Monday to Friday
Price: $12.50 - $24.00
Afternoon tea and home learning included
Website: http://aplus.kiwi.nz/
Call: 09 443 5386
Bicycles & Scooters
We encourage cyclists (bicycle and scooter) with helmets secured correctly.
Any younger children riding to school should be closely accompanied by an adult.
Cycles and scooters are not to be ridden in the school grounds and should be stored in the designated bike and scooter stands.
Caregiver Portal
HERO allows schools (teachers, students, and families) to view and share content anytime, anywhere on any device. The software is secure, easy to use and brings together all school information in one place.
With Hero, you have the ability to:
- read and comment on posts relating to your child’s learning
- view information on your child’s progress and goals,
- read and comment on school notices sent to the class or groups your child is part of
- respond to school notices such as surveys and trip permission requests
- view school term dates
- view a school calendar of events
- notify the school if your child is absent or late
- navigate to other school-related webpages
- customise your account by adding a profile image
- select how you wish to receive notification
Download the Hero App today - Scan the QR Code above or go to the HERO website - click Log In then New User. Here are the steps to sign in to your HERO account.
Please note, the school must have your correct email address in our system for you to be able to see your children's work and learning goals.
Target Road School is situated on a very busy main road and for the safety of our children, families and staff, we urge you to park along neighbouring streets and walk your child to school.
Please use the designated controlled street crossing and when you need to cross the roads.
Electronic Surveillance (CCTV) has been installed at Target Road School.
The reason for installing CCTV is to reduce and prevent crime at our school and to improve public safety and is not used to undertake surveillance on individuals or groups.
CCTV at Target Road School is used in a manner that complies with relevant legislation and policy including the Privacy Act 1993, this Policy and the Policy on Crime Prevention Cameras (CCTV) (New Zealand Police, 2003).
Concerns & Complaints
Guidelines for Informal Complaints
Our primary goal is to create the best learning environment for the students of our school. We encourage open communication and prefer that parents come to us to talk through a problem rather than discuss it in the community.
These are recommended guidelines for parents making informal complaints.
Discuss the issue with the right person.
If the matter is a general issue, discuss it with the person concerned or a member of the management team or the principal.
If you have a complaint about a staff member, contact the person involved and discuss the matter. We ask that parents make this direct approach as soon as possible. Be prepared to make a time to discuss your complaint if the staff member is unable to talk with you straight away. Be open to listening to the other side of the story to avoid communication breakdowns.
If you do not wish to approach the person concerned, contact a member of the management team or the principal to resolve the matter. The principal or management team member may communicate with the staff member concerned.
If you have a complaint about one of our students, contact the student's class teacher or the principal to discuss the matter.
If the matter concerns the principal and you have not first resolved it by discussion, or you feel uncomfortable directly approaching the principal, contact the chairperson of the board of trustees.
If the matter concerns a board member, contact the chairperson of the board of trustees, or board member if it concerns the board chair.
If you complain to a board member, you will be encouraged to resolve the issue with the guidelines above, and the board member will inform the principal and board chair.
Work towards a resolution.
In most cases, constructive discussion will resolve the issue.
If you are unhappy with the outcome of your initial meeting, contact the principal, a member of the management team, or the board chair to discuss further resolution. They will consider and respond to the complaint as appropriate.
If an informal meeting does not resolve your concern or complaint, you can make a formal complaint (see below).
If a staff member is the complainant (including complaints about colleagues), the same procedure must be followed, commencing with an initial discussion with the people concerned to try to resolve matters.
The school monitors and records any concerns about student safety.
Formal Complaint
If an informal meeting does not resolve your concern or complaint, you can make a formal complaint.
In the interests of fairness, any formal complaint or serious allegation must be made in writing and resolved in a timely fashion. All parties should respect confidentiality.
Follow this process:
1. Put your concerns in writing, either as a signed letter or an email. Give as many details as possible, including details of efforts that have been made to resolve the issue. Include names and contact phone numbers.
2. Send the letter marked Confidential to the school principal or, if the complaint is about the principal, to the chairperson of the board of trustees. The contact details are available from the school office.
First Aid Trained
All of our administration and teaching staff are currently First Aid trained which is renewed every 2 years. This is completed with St John and covers the following:
confidence in recognising and treating cardiac arrest, choking, and bleeding
the basic skills to provide time-critical assistance and CPR before more experienced help arrives
a Basic Life Support certificate valid for 2 years upon successful completion
Three staff members in the administration team has a higher level qualification, Comprehensive First Aid Revalidation, covering the following:
First aid and CPRL2 plus the additional skills and confidence to identify first aid hazards and risks
moving a casualty
advanced fracture management
advanced airway skill.
Hall Hire
The school hall will be unavailable for hire until 29 April 2024 due to maintenance work.
To hire our school hall, please contact Mathilda Uhrle on admin@target.school.nz
Health & Safety
To ensure children are safe at school we ask the following:
DROP OFF: We recommend dropping children off between 8.30 and 8.45am. This ensures they have enough time to put their belongings away and catch up with friends. Children who are dropped off prior to 8.30 will be asked to go to the barn which is unsupervised. Children who are regularly dropped off early may get asked to enrol their child in After School Care.
PICK UP: All children must understand that school finishes at 3.00pm, and parents need to ensure there is a plan for pick up. All children who have not been picked up are asked to come to the office so we can call home. PLEASE help us, and pick up your child on time. Walking is a great option, as there are many nearby options for parking.
Outside these hours, there is no adequate supervision
If you are arriving late (after 9am) or need to collect your child early for any reason, you must sign in/out at the office first, before going to class. You will be given a "Signed Out" card by the office team to give to the teacher.
The Library is open from 9.00am until 2.45pm, Monday - Friday.
Children are welcome to visit the library during some morning tea and lunchtimes when a duty teacher is supervising. It is often a safe, quiet place to visit if new children are feeling overwhelmed or in need of some peaceful time. Classes can visit the library at least once a week or as needed.
Lost Property
All lost property is placed in a large mobile rack situated in the resource room (located next to the office).
It is available for children and adults to look through before, during and after school.
Lunch Eating
All children eat their morning tea and lunch in their classroom and are supervised by their teacher for the last 10 minutes of the respective break time. All rubbish and uneaten food are taken home.
Children may not share food with others due to spreading of germs, as well as food allergies.
We have children in our school who are severely allergic to nuts, and ask that parents keep nut products in children’s lunchboxes to an absolute minimum.
Mobile Phones
Written permission must be provided from a Parent/Caregiver if they need their child to bring a phone to school.
They must be handed into the office where it is kept securely, prior to 8.50 and collected after 3.00pm.
On the second Thursday of each term, Target Road School holds a Whānau Whakatau which is based on a traditional Māori welcome, which literally means to settle.
This ceremony is our way of welcoming new ākonga (leaners) and kaimahi (staff), along with their whānau, into the Target Road School community. You are very welcome to bring extended whānau plus anyone who is important to your child as they begin their learning journey at our kura. You will receive an invitation to the Whānau Whakatau nearest to your child’s start date.
What to expect at the whakatau:
The manuhiri (visitors) will gather together outside the hall then someone will lead you into the Whānau Whakatau.
The tangata whenua (hosts) will be seated facing the manuhiri (visitors) to welcome you.
A mihi (welcome speech) will be made by a representative of the kura (school). Then the ākonga and kaimahi will stand and sing a waiata (song) to tautoko (support) the speaker’s message. (There may be other speakers, a waiata will follow each speech. ākonga and kaimahi will sit down.)
A representative from the manuhiri (visitors) will respond, then the group will stand and sing to tautoko (support) the speaker, a waiata. The group will sit down.
The last speaker will then be from the kura..
Hariru – the hosts and new families involved may shake hands, hongi (nose to nose) or hamamao (gesture from afar).
Target Road School will offer a simple morning tea or kai for everyone to share. This concludes the whakatau and signifies the coming together of the visitors and the Target Road School community.
Tikanga – Whānau Whakatau (Customs or Procedures)
Since this whakatau is taking place on kura grounds by our ākonga for our ākonga we have developed our own kura kawa (customs or procedures) for our Whānau Whakatau, to reflect the visions and values of our kura.
Men and women are allowed to speak – this is both for the Tangata Whenua and the Manuhuri. The Principal will open the whakatau with a formal mihi.
Speakers are welcome to speak in any language they feel comfortable with, however, a greeting in te reo Māori is encouraged.
Men and women can sit in the front row – speakers should sit in the front row.
To recognise the Māori world view and respect the mana, members of the SLT, whānau leaders and males sit on the front row.
If on the front row, you will be asked to take part in the hariru, you can choose whether to hongi, handshake or hamamao.
Student leaders and representatives will be invited to sit on chairs with the kaiako as tangata whenua.
A haka pōwhiri, welcoming chant, may be performed by kaimahi (staff), kapa haka and ākonga.
We do not always have karanga, a ceremonial call, at our Whānau Whakatau. Karanga is traditionally viewed as a connection between the living and spiritual worlds, the karanga is steeped in tikanga and epitomises the mana wahine — the power of women within the marae. It is a spiritual call that has been heard through generations of whānau across the country and is usually used at a Pōwhiri, not a whakatau. It is also something that requires specialist teaching and this is not something we are currently always able to offer at kura.
Manuhuri are invited to stay for a cup of tea, coffee or drink and a bite to eat to remove the tapu, sacredness from the ceremony. A karakia kai will be recited before manuhiri are invited to eat.
Manuhiri (Parents/whānau being welcomed to the kura here is a possible outline for what you could say if you would like to speak – you do not have to speak in te reo Māori.
Tēnā koutou e te whānau
He mihi ki a koutou katoa
Tēnā koe Fina (mō tōu kōrero whakatau)
Tēnā koutou ngā kaiako
Tēnā koutou ngā tamariki
Ko ____ tōku ingoa
Greetings to the whānau/community of Target Road School
Greetings to all of you
Thank you Fina (for your welcoming speech/words)
Greetings to the kaiako
Greetings to the children
My name is ___
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou,
tēnā koutou katoa.
Pay Target Road Online using HERO
Download the HERO App or access HERO through your computer.
Please email office@target.school.nz for more information on setting up HERO, if you do not have access. See Caregiver Portal/Hero tab under our School.
HERO also gives you access to many options that are in development through out 2020 and beyond, including access to Finance, Community notices and Newsletters.
Pay Target Road School Online
Pay Target Road School Online
Payments can be made directly into our bank account as follows:
Bank: ASB Bank
Name of Account: Target Road School
Account No: 12 3109 0012404 00
Reference: Child’s Name
Code: What you are paying for: eg. camp
School Donations
Target Road School has opted into the Donation Scheme.
This means we will receive $150 per student from the government as payment for the year in exchange for not asking parents for donations
School Hours
8:30am - Classrooms are open for ākonga and whānau discussions
8:50am - First learning block begins
10:00am - Brain food snack / Fitness
11:00am - Morning tea - playing
11:20am - Morning tea - supervised eating
11:30am - Middle learning block begins
1:00pm - Lunch time - playing
1:40pm - Lunch time - supervised eating
1:50pm - Final learning block begins
3:00pm - School ends
3:00pm - 3.15pm - Classrooms are open for ākonga and whānau discussions
Stationery 2025
Visit www.schoolpacks.co.nz to order online, search for our school name, select year level pack/s and follow the prompts.
Delivery is to your home. Once your order arrives, please bring it to the classroom teacher.
Sushi Orders 2024
Sushi Tuesday's is back!!!
We have a new sushi provider, Sushiday, working with our kura for Sushi Tuesdays.
Please register at www.sushiday.co.nz and top up your account; sushi orders need to be made before 9pm Monday night :)
Please see attached flyers for more information.
Term Dates and Holidays 2024
Term 1 : Thursday 1 February (Ko wai au conferences) - Friday 12 April
Term 2 : Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term 3 : Monday 22 July - Friday 27 September
Term 4 : Monday 14 October - Wednesday 18 December (TBC)
Term Dates and Holidays 2025
Term 1 : Friday 31 January (Ko wai au conferences) - Friday 11 April
Term 2 : Monday 28 April - Friday 27 June
Term 3 : Monday 14 July - Friday 19 September
Term 4 : Monday 6 October - Wednesday 15 December (this date is subject to change)
Travel Wise
Target Road School is proud to be a Travel-wise school. The aim of the Travel Wise programme is for our students to become safer on the road and to recognise the health benefits of walking to school. Auckland Regional Transport and North Shore City support this programme across our city.
Our students will benefit from the programme in the following ways
Encouraging walking, scootering and cycling to improve students’ health and fitness.
Walking, cycling or scootering ensures our children arrive at school alert and ready for learning.
Enabling students to learn read safety skills and become more familiar with our community.
Increasing safety around the school gate and school crossing for both our students and for the traffic on busy Target Road.
Walking, scootering and cycling helps lessen car emissions in our environment.
Safe walking, Cycling and Scooter training with our Police Education Officer promote safety for all modes of travel.
Why does our school implement Travel Wise?
If children are driven everywhere they will expect to be driven. Walking is a learned behaviour.
The more we walk as kids to the shops or park etc. the more likely we are to walk as we grow up.
If our children build good walking or exercise habits when they are young, the more likely they are to grow into healthy adults.
Many children are inactive after school, as they play electronic games or watch TV instead of playing outside or being involved in sports.
Unfortunately, child obesity is rising in NZ and this leads to health problems later in life, such as diabetes, joint problems or high blood pressure.
More information about the Travel Wise programme can be found at http://www.travelwise.org.nz
The Walking School Bus
The WSB is a group of students who walk to school each morning supervised by adults. Like a real bus, the drivers stop at set points along the way to gather up more passengers. It is run by dedicated parents each day, who are also becoming fit! It is a safe way of walking and students can achieve prizes, occasional ice blocks and termly Milo and Muffin mornings, which they all enjoy. We do not have any routes at present but would love to start at least one. Call the office to find out more.
More information about Travel Wise and Walking School Buses across North Shore City can be found at: http://www.northshorecity.govt.nz
Two Minute Kiss and Go Zone
When dropping off students at school you may use the 2 minute Kiss and Go zone but you may not park there to take your child to class. Our Safety Wardens will do that for you
Park below the crossing if you wish to walk your child to their classroom or visit the office.
Students must always alight from and enter the car from the footpath side.
Parents and students must use the pedestrian crossing if they need to cross the road.
Parents picking up children are not permitted to use the school driveway and car park unless permission has been given.
Parents may not park and wait for their children on any yellow line or in the bus-stop.