The School Board is responsible for ensuring the school complies with all legal directives made by the government and the Ministry of Education. This is done by ensuring we have robust policies and procedures in place. There is a clearly documented line between board work and management work. School Boards govern (oversee management) and principals manage the school. It is not the role of the School Board to be involved in the day-to-day operation of the school, this is the responsibility of the principal and the school staff.

Board work is primarily about governance of the school. Governance involves setting strategic direction through our vision, core values and strategic goals. Core work of the board includes strategic planning and consulting with the community. The board monitors financial expenditure of the school and sets a yearly budget. We also establish long term property plans and prioritize property projects with allocated funds.

Our Board Members

Kristie Taurua - Presiding Member

I have two children, a 4 year old and 7 year old who attend Target Road School.

I have worked for a plumbing company for the last 17 years doing accounts so I hope my financial background will enable me to have skills to help the Board with important decision making. My son has special needs and I am aware of how challenging it can be to meet his needs academically. I have an interest in being on the Board of Trustees as I hope to give back to the school and support the school and community.

My husband and I have lived in the area for the last 12 years, and in my free time I enjoy exercising, renovating with my husband and eating out. 

Katie Taylor - Parent Representative 

Katie is a mum to three children who all attend Target Road School. 

She has always been interested in children's education and previously worked as a Speech and Language Therapist at the Child Development Team and in a Special School.  Katie was involved with Playcentre Aotearoa (parent run early childhood centre) for many years.

Katie is passionate about natural health and healthy living and works part time as a Naturopath.  In her spare time she enjoys doing pilates and Zumba fitness.

Kevan Leadbeater - Parent Representative 

I am dad to Annabelle who attends TRS, and husband of Susan. I have been tutoring children of all year levels in English for the past 22 years, and wish to use this background to enhance education decisions for all our kura.

I have a deep knowledge of cross - cultural issues and the associated challenges that affect learning, and aim to bring my skills and abilities to help generate ongoing advancements and change for the prosperity of our tamariki.

I also help with literacy support. In addition, being a road patrol leader has given me a great understanding of health and safety issues in our immediate school vicinity and wider community and am passionate about getting vastly improved measures for TRS 

Phillipa Morton - Parent Representative 

In a former life, I was a primary teacher and taught for a time both in NZ and in the UK. I now have broad business experience, having worked for a FTSE 100 company, as well as one of the world’s largest charities.  These days I am a civil servant. 

While overseas I met my husband; we now have 2 kids -  Isabelle and Logan.  After many years abroad, I have now returned to NZ and am thrilled to be part of the Target Road School community. 

While in the UK I had the privilege of being a board member on the local school board.  

My passion is to see equitable outcomes for all children no matter what.  

For me this means:

Geoff Nottage - Parent Representative 

I attended Target Road Primary School from 1983 to 1988 and I’m happy that my son and daughter are able to follow in my footsteps (year 2 and year 5 respectively).

I have spent most of my life in the area and watched it change from a small suburb at the end of Auckland’s motorway to a more densely populated and diverse area.

My recent employment history includes 5 years as the National Operations Manager for a Field Services team at a multinational electrical company and am now assisting with the Project Management/Delivery of Medium and Low Voltage electrical equipment to some of Auckland’s largest data centres.

I’m excited about being on the Target Road School Board of Trustees and believe I have a range of diverse skills and experience to support the school and school community in their short and

long term planning.

Shane Reynolds - Staff Representative 

My name is Shane Reynolds and I am the board staff representative and Deputy Principal at Target Road.

I have a lovely blended Whānau with my wife, four daughters and a stepson ranging from ten to two years old.

I have a number of hobbies. I enjoy playing many sports such as football, touch rugby, cricket and golf. I love to travel and see the world. I am looking forward to working with the board as well at school to achieve the goals for all of our ākonga. 

Anthony Harrison - Co-opted Member 

Brent Loveridge - Co-opted Member 

Board Information

Annual Audited Accounts

Financial Statement and Auditors Report

A Ministry of Education requirement is for schools to submit an annual report. This includes a number of components, such as the school audited accounts.

Link here  to the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2023 and the Auditors Report by RSM Hayes.  

Education Review Office (ERO)

Te Ara Huarau is the evaluation approach that the Education Review Office (ERO) is using in our school. This is a developmental approach to evaluation where ERO and our school work together over time rather than the one off review that happened previously. Te Ara Huarau is used in most English-medium state and state-integrated schools.


ERO maintains a regular review programme to evaluate and report on the education and care of young people in the schools. Our school worked alongside ERO to write our Profile Report. This type of report will only happen once as part of our initial engagement with Te Ara Huarau. The profile report reflects our strategic goals and a shared evaluation focus on one or more areas that are important to us as we work together to improve outcomes for all our learners. ERO, like us, has a strong focus on equity and excellence. Future reporting will show our progress and achievement towards meeting the goals we have set. Public reports like the Profile Report are published on ERO’s website.


A Board Assurance Report that shows how we are meeting regulatory and legislative Requirements has also been published.


Included in our bundle of published reports is a Provision for International Students report.


Board Meetings

Board Hui 2024
All meetings are on Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
February 21st     Agenda 

March 20th  Agenda 

May 22nd  Agenda 

June 19th Agenda

August 14th Agenda 

September 11th Agenda 

November 6th

December 4th 

All members of the public are welcome to attend Board hui. We do have a policy on such attendance. Please have a read through before attending.  public attending board hui 

Concerns & Complaints

Guidelines for Concerns and Complaints

Our primary goal is to create the best learning environment for the students of our school. We encourage open communication and prefer that parents come to us to talk through a problem rather than discuss it in the community.

These are recommended guidelines for those making informal  and formal concerns and complaints. Which can be found on our school docs page  - Target Road School Policies and Procedures   username target  password aimhigh and then searching using the keyword complaints

Contacting the Board

The school board can be contacted via letter, you can leave this at the office, or email bot@target.school.nz



From time to time the Board, Staff and School Community review policies and procedures. This gives all stakeholders the opportunity to have a say in how certain aspects of the school and curriculum are managed. 

When required to do so, you will be notified in the board newsletter which policies  we are reviewing .You can access the SchoolDocs website,  Target Road School Policies and Procedures review the policy and leave a comment if you wish.

Username   target

Password aimhigh

The New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA)

NZSTA provides governance and employment advice and support to help boards do the very best for their students and communities. 

NZSTA is contracted by the ministry to support boards in the undertaking of their roles and responsibilities. NZSTA provides practical support, advice, resources and professional development opportunities to help boards govern and manage their schools.